Since moving to Scotland, my biggest garden foe is slugs. The rich, damp soil mixed with an abundance of greenery makes the best slug haven in the UK. The size of a stick of gum and black, they mooch unseen at night amongst the undergrowth searching for their next meal. That usually means my plants, my fruit and my vegetables. I view this onslaught as personal. Last year, to prevent invading weeds from the field behind my house, I planted fast-growing ground cover plants. To protect them against slugs, I put the plants in slug collars and surrounded them with pine needles and crushed eggshells. But Scottish slugs are as hard as. They felt no pain crawling over the pine needles. They pushed aside the crushed eggshells as if they were a trivial nuisance. They had no fear of heights as they ascended the slug collars like Spiderman. Then, they feasted on my plants. As we have a cat, I can’t use the traditional chemical methods of slug annihilation and having just Irn Bru i...