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Hunker Down

It’s getting darker earlier, my sugar snap pea plants are dying and my cat is gaining his winter teddy bear coat. I can’t believe the summer is drawing to an end. It seemed to start so late this year and now the first leaves are turning yellow and falling.

Since moving to Scotland, I’ve felt and seen the seasons clearly. Down on the south coast of England, they seemed to merge into each other, the winters so mild they felt autumnal-like. I was in awe at the colours of our first autumn here and I no longer view leaves as a slippery nuisance, but food for the worms. Hard frosts and snow are welcomed because their nature’s way of killing off the circulating bugs and germs.

But the beginning of autumn is a chance for me to change into my winter socks, sit in front of a log fire and make time to read a book or scribble away on old notebooks.

Let’s all hunker down and wait for all the good things autumn and winter bring.

(Photo by Matt Seymour at Unsplash)
