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Silly Sleeping Position Of The Day

My daughter left home to live in America last year and misses our cat so much that I have to send her regular updates about him – either by photo, text or call − to reduce her catsickness. A highlight of these mewsletters is ‘silly sleeping position of the day’. Here’s a few examples:


They all look incredibly awkward, but to him, they’re a show of affection towards me (paws pointing towards me), that he feels at ease with me (paws stretched out), and that he’s safe in my company (back to me). If I tried to copy him, I think I would fall out of bed or wake up with a sore shoulder. And who are we to judge his sleeping position when he could be equally perplexed as to why we sleep on our backs with our arms above our heads?

But his eccentricities give my daughter a sense of connection to home and to a much-loved cattastic family member. So ... never underestimate the power of a pawsome photo of a pussy cat in a silly sleeping position.

                                                      (Photos © Paula Gilfillan. All Rights Reserved.)  
